Photo by: JPangelinan Medium: Oil 30x24x2
Photo by: Pangelinan Medium: Oil 36x20x2
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Jennifer Pangelinan

Jennifer Pangelinan

Fine Art / MFA

In my series Portraits of Nature, I work to capture in paint the beauty of a moment spent in nature. These figurative landscapes are a glimpse into a few of the multitude of emotions these experiences encourage that are simultaneously incredibly personal and completely universal. Most people describe feelings of relaxation, happiness and pure enjoyment felt during excursions outside, yet many admit that spending time in nature is an insignificant portion of their lives. Research has documented growing physical and mental deficiencies caused by the modern tendency to spend the majority of life indoors, with complementary studies that prove the benefits of regular time spent outdoors. My paintings focus on the human experience of a quiet moment in nature, where focused attention can allow for introspection, peace, discovery and joy, and where a resulting deep gratitude can be developed for the gifts of beauty so freely offered in connection with the natural world.

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