NXTUPfest 2021 Nominee for Best Picture - Under 8
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Niloofar Asadi Jozani

Niloofar Asadi Jozani

Motion Pictures & Television / MFA

I am an independent filmmaker. My path to film making had twists and turns; Some led me to explore other realms of visual arts, from graphics and paintings to design, expeditions that slowly yet surely converged into motion pictures and television.

As a kid, I used to make my father take me to movie theaters with him. I was stunned by the magic of the moving lights and pictures that make people wait in long lines, sit in silence in a dark theatre, and talk about it for hours after. I wanted to be the person who creates this.

I grew up in Iran, a complex society with aspirations to redefine a modern identity with strong ties to past traditions because patriarchal constructs are pronounced in cinema more than other forms of art. For high school, studying motion pictures and television was only for men! But I found my way to cinema through studying other forms of visual arts, with degrees in graphics, painting, and interior design. In parallel doing experimental film making, writing theatrical plays, and directing and staging theatrical performances as an independent artist. Social limits invigorated me to make art that crosses standard socio-cultural boundaries to freely project my voice and develop my artistic vision beyond those limits. I came to the United States to realize this mission.

Motion pictures and television are unique media for me to bring my skills in storytelling and various forms of visual arts together. My vision as a filmmaker is to make pictures that touch upon the very cornerstone of human rights that is respect for the inherent dignity of all human beings. I make films about humans, their hopes and fears, their complexities as individuals, and social products in their relationships.

NXTUP Winner: Best Documentary - Short: In Pursuit of Freedom

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