Nominee: Best Commercial/PSA

Kaila Sahagun

Motion Pictures & Television / BFA

My name is Kaila and I am a filmmaker. Growing up, I was constantly exposed to movies and T.V. shows that were definitely out of my age range, but it cultivated my love of storytelling and visual arts.
At 12 years old, I started my filmmaking journey creating shorts and commercials with my dog and siblings. Then I went on to create professional short films and documentaries in high school, getting nominated for Orange County Artist of the Year and other awards at distinguished film festivals.

While studying at Academy of Art University, I fell in love with the art of experimental filmmaking and 16mm film. Most of my work incorporates these stylistic elements as well as a sense of humor! While my primary focus is directing, my abilities also lie in producing, screenwriting, editing, cinematography, and graphics work. I deeply enjoy creating and consuming anything that involves art, which is why I take photographs and curate art shows as a pastime.

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