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C. Arnel Lucas-Dorsey

C. Arnel Lucas-Dorsey

Motion Pictures & Television / BFA

During her time at The Academy of Art University, C. Arnel has been a very active crew member on any and all projects possible. After Assistant Directing a dozen films, and producing over a dozen other short films at ArtU she was nominated for Best Picture for two films she produced “Brutal Truth” and “Crossroads''. Being able to help talented and creative directors, cinematographers, production designers, customers, etc. take their creative vision and put it on film is her drive. If they love their story she loves it even more and will fight to make the film of everyone’s dreams. That’s Arnel.

NXTUPfest 2021 - Best Picture Over 8 - Crossroads
NXTUPfest 2021 - Audience Award: Best Picture over 8 - Crossroads

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