Hope for Peace // Graphic Standards Manual
Hope for Peace // Graphic Standards Manual
Hope for Peace // Graphic Standards Manual
Duque // Spanish Wine Product Packaging
Duque // Spanish Wine Product Packaging
Social Party // Mobile Application
Social Party // Mobile Application
Social Party // Mobile Application
Giggle Water // Prohibition Themed Cocktail Book
Giggle Water // Prohibition Themed Cocktail Book
Giggle Water // Prohibition Themed Cocktail Book
Giggle Water // Prohibition Themed Cocktail Book
Manderly // Murder Mystery Board Game
Manderly // Murder Mystery Board Game
Manderly // Murder Mystery Board Game
Gleam by Philips // Sustainable Lightbulb Packaging
Gleam by Philips // Sustainable Lightbulb Packaging
Enchanted Delusions // Jean Cocteau Inspired Film Festival
Enchanted Delusions // Jean Cocteau Inspired Film Festival
Enchanted Delusions // Jean Cocteau Inspired Film Festival
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Regina Padron

Regina Padron

Graphic Design / BFA

I have dedicated time to sharpening my artistic talent and technical skills and thinking creatively to produce projects for Ghirardelli Square and the San Francisco War Memorial Veterans Building. I began my collegiate days at the Lorenzo de’ Medici Institute in Florence, Italy where I earned a certificate in graphic design. There I was taught that every project has multiple solutions and I learned how to address problems from different perspectives.

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