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Erin Scott Walton

Erin Scott Walton

Fine Art / MFA

My name is Erin Walton, and I am a high school art teacher, wife, mom of two girls, and an aspiring ceramic artist from Chesapeake, Virginia. While working towards my BFA in Sculpture and a minor in Art History at Old Dominion University, I studied abroad in Germany and Greece for a deeper understanding in art history. It was not until working with local ceramic artists and professors at Old Dominion University such as Richard Nickel and Jim Chalkley, that I found my true passion in ceramics. I finished my undergraduate degree showcasing my studies with a solo exhibition at the Greenbrier Country Club in 2007.

While teaching in at-risk public schools for eight years, I went back to school to earn my MFA in sculpture at Academy of Art University. While at the Academy, I have studied and researched various sculpture methods and practices while focusing on my thesis of Preservation through ceramics.Preservation of ideals and moments in time are concepts that I explore by using visual images and narratives through ceramics and mixed medium sculptures. I have been blessed with an amazing family enriched with traditions and family dinners. This has built a foundation of beliefs and ideals I want to preserve and instill in my own daughters for them to carry on. My artwork explores the traditions of ceramics using methods such as traditional Greek forms along with wood-firing and saggar firing. Which I incorporate into contemporary methods by experimenting with underglazes, painting, mixed mediums, and transfers.

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